A daily walk with Mary Ruth in Brazoria County

Hello, I'm Mary Ruth Rhodenbaugh of Wild Peach, Texas. My grandfather and father were both county commsissioners in Brazoria County. I want to follow in their footsteps and represent the people of precinct 4 on Commissioners Court. Join me here for my daily campaign observations, announcements and ramblings. Let's make our county as good for everyone, every day, as it was for me growing up here in the place where Texas began...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

vegetables and more

Let me tell you, there is nothing better than tomatoes and cantaloupe and okra picked right at the peak of ripeness with loving hands. Not to mention, cucumbers that have not been waxed and tossed around. Wes Sims has made this a delightful summer for Mama and me and my kids from Utah. He just made another delivery. Oh, the bounty of a garden! I remember the days of childhood……Daddy prepared the soil, we loved planting the seeds, but we did not like to weed every afternoon; water was scarce so we had to depend on rain for the crops to flourish. Then when the tomatoes and cucumbers were ready, you could find three little ones in the garden with a salt shaker. We never had much luck with watermelon and cantaloupe because of so much hungry, pesky wildlife; but our neighbors southwest of town did. Some early evenings, we would travel over there and Mr. Patton would cut a big green watermelon. A seed shooting exercise always developed. We came home sticky with watermelon juice and happy.
The days of fresh eggs, milk, cream, butter, chickens, beef; not to mention young squirrel fricasseed to perfection, will probably never be enjoyed by today’s generations. Too bad.
The story of fresh, ripe figs is for another day. I see many fig trees in the area ready to bear fruit this summer. Enjoy.


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